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Lowongan Kerja Translator Document di Denpasar Kota, Bali

Penulis : Unknown on Jumat, 02 Mei 2014 | 16.20

Do you have experience a difficulty in translating?  Or do not have a time for translating? Here we have a solution to solve your translating problem.

M : +62821 4645 7926
PIN : 24D63C5F

Here we have a solution to solve your translating problem. Bali Best is experienced in translating service since 2012 and translated by Sworn Authorized Translator.

Receive translating service from English to Indonesian & Indonesian to English, Dutch, French, Germany, Chinese, etc with good quality and correct structural grammar based on the knowledge of the language.

We receive translation of document, proposal, company profile, assignment, paper, abstract, thesis, essay, journal, reference book, magazine, book, novel, website, file, product catalog, article, brochure, blog, letter and anything that you want to be translated are welcome

Format of your document in Microsoft Word while being translated:
1. Font Name : Times New Roman
2. Font Size   : 12 points
3. Line Space : 2 (Double)
4. Paper Size : A4

Please feel free to contact us for detail information. 082146457926

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